Get to Know Me a Little Better
I am a poet, geek, and educator. Besides writing poetry and short fiction, I write blogs for the pop culture website, Geektastic Podcast, and have been a guest host on the Youtube channel, Boredom Break. When not hard at work on a new poem, or head immersed in a comic book, I am usually teaching workshops in and out of the classroom. I have taught all ages, all skill levels, and in many diverse settings such as in correctional facilities and work force conferences. For more information regarding my teaching experience and my publication history, please refer to his Curriculium Vitae.

"With an eye and ear for what makes us human, Eric Morago addresses beauty and mundanity, desire and doubt, with a pasionate voice that craves and provides connection to reader and community."
~ Patty Seyburn
"I hate Eric Morago. He's like the Big Bang Theory of Poetry: smart, well-written and sexier than geeks should be in real life."
~ Steve Ramirez

For samples of my writing please visit my poems page. For more information, booking, or if you just want to say hello, please feel free to drop me a message and follow me on social media! Thanks!